Learn your way

Passages is a truly alternative approach to education for young people ages 10-18.

We know that when they feel good, they do good. Many of our youth haven't felt "good" for much of their school life — but now that they're able to be in community with others they connect with, true learning and healing begins.

This naturally leads to curiosity and a willingness to engage in their education.

Passages is a self-directed, democratic school where young people have autonomy and choice to: 

  • Join offerings like classes and workshops

  • Receive guidance through 1:1 mentoring and coaching

  • Follow passions and dive deep into personal interests

  • Join a safe community that cares for one another

  • Work on committees and other initiatives

  • Work on credit-earning classes with support through ILC or VLC

Young people don’t already need to be self-directed learners to join us.
Our 1:1 mentoring and community culture guides them.

A stylized line drawing of a bird flying out of a cage


Means personal autonomy and independence from coercion to drive one’s development and learning. It means understanding that for all to have freedom in the space, we need to understand that one’s freedom ends where another’s begins. Freedom is not doing whatever one wants without regard for others.

A stylized line drawing of a brain


Being part of the Passages Community means joining a group of young people who want a place to come every day where they are allowed to be themselves. We operate democratically, where all decisions are discussed and agreed upon by the youth and staff at our Weekly Community Meeting.


If one doesn’t feel safe, one can’t learn. This is why we hold psychological safety a top priority at Passages. Our Community Agreements, created by the Learners at the beginning of each year and revisited every few months, guide everyone in the space.

Using our Passages Restoration Circle (PRC), peer conflicts can be resolved with peer facilitators and staff to support them.

A stylized line drawing of a paper airplane


Self-Directed Learning is all about respecting one’s interests and believing they will learn, what they need to learn, when they need it. This is a life-long attitude to embrace! There is no “behind" or “catching up.”

We respect all learners’ ability to direct their days and to create a meaningful education. Weekly one-on-one mentoring support helps guide learners towards their personal goals.


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Four teenagers sitting around a table working together

A personalized education

Sept 2024-June 2025 we are open Monday to Thursday from 9am – 3pm.

Starting September 2025 we will be open five days a week. Monday to Friday from 9am-3pm.

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We are a Proud member of Liberated Learners and the Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO)


Ministry of Education BSID #882007