Live virtual information sessions

Join us to hear more about Passages — a democratic, alternative school for young people, ages 10-18.

People who join us have shared that before Passages:

  • Their child dreaded school

  • The family argued about attendance and homework

  • The traditional school environment didn’t feel like the right fit for their child

Hear more about why this happens and our unique educational approach that supports the whole person.

Upcoming dates

Saturday, March 29 @ 11am Register Here

Wednesday, April 2 @ 7pm Register Here


Book a 1:1 call with Kristina House, Executive Director/Founder

Use this link to schedule a time for us to meet and talk about your specific needs.

We’ll discuss

• What is self-directed learning?

• Is this a fit for your child?

• Life after an alternative school (Yes, they CAN go to post-secondary!)

• Passages enrolment process


Can’t make it live?

Fill out the form below to access a pre-recorded version.

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