Leaving School for Self-Directed Learning: A 6-Step Program

Education is essential to achieving success in life. However, traditional schooling is not the only way to learn. Self-directed learning offers a unique opportunity to tailor your education to your needs and interests, while allowing you to take control of your learning journey.

Exiting school can be a daunting task, especially if you've spent a significant portion of your life in formal education. However, with the right plan in place, leaving school can be a smooth and successful transition.

Here is a 6-step program to help you exit school and transition to a more self-directed approach to your education (with some suggestions on how Passages could be a part of that transition):

  1. Reflect on your goals: Before exiting school, take some time to reflect on your goals and aspirations. What do you want to achieve in your next phase of life and education? Having a clear vision of where you want to go, and not go, will help you make informed decisions about your future.

  2. Develop a learning plan: Based on your goals and interests, create a plan for your self-directed learning journey. This should include specific topics or skills to learn, resources you'll use, and a timeline for completion. A mentor at Passages can help guide you based on your skills and interest.

  3. Find resources: Compile a list of resources to support your learning journey. This could include books, online courses, podcasts, or workshops. Passages can be an invaluable resource in locating all you need to progress.

  4. Set a schedule: Develop a schedule or routine to keep yourself accountable and on track with your learning goals. Again, a Passages mentor will meet with you weekly to take stock of your progress and help guide you to success.

  5. Network with other learners: Connect with other self-directed learners, mentors, and experts in your field of interest. One of the key benefits of joining Passages, beyond mentoring, is that you will join a community that has a similar interest in self-directed eduction; you will network everyday!

  6. Evaluate your progress: Regularly evaluate your learning progress and adjust your plan as needed. The weekly check-ins with a Passages mentor will help keep you on track.

By following this program, you can confidently exit school and embark on the next chapter of your education. Remember that self-directed learning is a lifelong journey. Keep learning, growing, and exploring new ideas and opportunities.

If you need any help, contact us at Passage and we will do our best to help you on your learning journey.

Ivan Beeckmans